Finished up the stylesheet switch as I wait for the eclipse. Also, just for funsies, I ran every page of the site through HTML and CSS validators!
Second update of the day: fixed the mobile menu. Also fixing retina scaling on the pixel art and backgrounds. This website continues to be optimized for Windows desktop Firefox on a non-retina display, but it was bothering me when I checked it on my phone that things looked all blurry. The "polaroids" look fine, so I'm letting them be.
Preparing to switch the site to a new stylesheet! Expect page duplication. Also, a few tweaks here and there.
I'm kind of going through a lot in my personal life right now, and this site has been a casualty of that. My enthusiasm is flagging (for a lot of stuff, not just this) and I don't know when or how or if I'll ever get it back.
Anyway, I forgot to upload the previous update.
New page: HHP tips. I don't expect it to be all that big (I am not an expert) but there's just a few things in there that I think might be useful. Maybe just for me, who's to say?
Organized the Glitch page and added an extra detail or two.
Some small tweaks. More work is happening behind the scenes, but I can't show it off just yet.
EDIT: corrected my accidental time traveling, whoops.
Accessibility updates, plus more buttons!
I'm using Room Sketch to design each room of my house and act as a 3D checklist. I've also been making custom designs and planning out my island more!
Site updates include: header image optimization (should load faster!), resident updates, a flowchart in Goals, and various tweaks.
Sneaky second update: site buttons! Also merged links and credits page into About. Please let me know if I have any broken links!
Residents and dreamies page added!
Trying to get my site a little more organized, a little more optimized, and a little prettier. That means CSS and image revisions, plus some new stuff in the Website Goals section! Bear with me while I mess with things to get them just right.
OH WHOOPS I forgot to publish changes.
Happy new year, y'all! I've added a lot to my island page, and more is on its way!
Prettifying my site and a little of the code! Note that some of these are works-in-progress, so please bear with me while I experiment.
Okay, so... back in late October I actually looked into it and, good news, I found out why Rainbow Run's assets were so hard to find—but, bad news, I'm probably not going to be able to recreate it beyond a few screenshots and my vague recollection. It turns out that a few streets, including Rainbow Run and Snool (by the same artist), didn't have the same method of construction as the majority: while most streets share assets and just use them in different combinations or with alterations to provide variety, Rainbow Run and Snool were single images. As far as I can tell, those images weren't included in the released assets. So at least I know why I can't make it, rip.
As for what I actually did today, I meant to make one small change to the Island page and ended up sidetracked on MDN for hours, whoops. There's some cool ascii art on there now, though, so y'all should check it out :P
Fixing some CSS errors, lol.
I'm also looking into decompiling the Glitch source files for myself, because I believe other dumps may be incomplete. If this means I can find the assets for Rainbow Run, all the better, but I'm also just curious to see what's there.
So, it's mid-October. Tbh, I got pretty burnt out for a while there (also I got a new job), so I wasn't doing much but the occasional cataloguing. But! Then the November 2021 update was announced. The new content definitely got my wheels turning again. My thoughts, currently:
I've been making a few custom designs to spruce up existing areas and populate new ones. I'm proud of how they've turned out.
ALSO: a big update to the Island page!
I continue to expand my island page! Thinking of splitting it into multiple pages for brevity and legibility, especially since I plan to add explanatory pictures. I find it kind of startling how much larger the pictures end up being than the rest of my site—at the moment, it's 2.32 MB and 2.14 MB of that is just one JPEG!
Today is the one year anniversary of my island! I'd hoped I would be done with it by now, haha. But I'm putting work into it, so baby steps! I'll mark the occasion with New Content, so tada! I hope it'll be of interest to y'all :)
The astute may notice I didn't actually upload anything for the previous update. This is because I Forgot.
Nearing the one year anniversary of my island. Time to actually start writing some details about it, I think!
I thought it might be kind of cute to style the table explaining the basics of my island like an Animal Crossing passport, so that's what I'm attempting today!
Alright, let's do this! Plan tonight is to smack something on that island page and spiff up the colors a bit! It'll just be kinda gray for a moment until I can tweak it; I just want to plan out what should be separate colors before I start making serious color choices.
So that was a longer break than I intended. Whoops.
My goal for today was to fill out my page about Glitch and I'd say I did quite nicely! I might add to it from time to time if I think I have something to add. Spiffed up the fonts and the page layout a tad while I was at it, plus favicons and even an iOS icon which... verly likely only I will ever see, lol. Next up, adding information about the island creation process.
Okay I lied. I got a little distracted and now I have a pixel button. But tbh I should probably sleep on it and see if I can give it a better shot with fresh eyes.
I've had to think a little more specifically about the time I dedicate to this. The internet is Big and has a lot of pretty shiny things to think about that distract from what I'm actually supposed to be doing. Goals today: fixing the navbar and update page; both require jQuery, so the largest obstacle is the same. I was hoping to stay pure CSS/HTML5, but this will probably be more sustainable as the site grows and the navbar needs edits. Plus, separating these things out by page makes them more functional for me on the coding side; I don't have to remember everything at once.
Day 2 in a row! My goals for today are to implement a navbar across all of the pages and, since I noticed it, standardize the whitespace in these documents. Not right now, but soon, I'll be emulating something I saw at Aegi's Cafe, and, if I get it right, you will see it here as well! I'm trying to keep semantic HTML in mind as I go; I'm adding a page for any notes I happen to think of, mostly for me, but who knows? They might be of use to someone else.
Baby steps!!
I have this unhelpful tendency to think, "If I can't finish it today, then nothing I did today matters." I guess it's because I want to be productive and get things done instead of leaving them halfway, but it ends up keeping me from working on the things I care about at all. Maybe if I were a robot that wouldn't get bored or tired or change its mind, I could sit down for 27 hours in a row and knock out something, but that's just not realistic.
So here I am: finishing a small thing that is part of a bigger thing and calling that good enough for now. My goals for today are: first, to make some of the pages that I'll later populate with information, and second, put a placeholder menu on the main page so it's navigable. I still feel like I should be doing more, but it's a process.